Kusie Update – September 2024

Read Stephanie’s latest e-newsletter!

Message to Constituents:

Stephanie Kusie stands up to speak in the Chambre d / se lève pour parler en Chambre Ottawa, ONTARIO, on September 19, 2024. © HOC-CDC Credit: Bernard Thibodeau, House of Commons Photo Services

Dear Constituents of Calgary Midnapore,

Though it’s sad to say goodbye to summer, I do love seeing the colours change and the leaves fall –and always appreciate the return of the elusive Pumpkin Spiced Latte. I hope all families across Calgary Midnapore are enjoying the brisk air, beautiful sunrises, and that you’re settling into your new fall routines. As for me, I’ve packed up my boots and scarves and returned to Ottawa for what is already proving to be a very lively Parliamentary session (read on for details!)

As the Shadow Minister for the Treasury Board, I have been keeping a close eye on how the government spends your hard-earned taxpayer dollars. Whether it’s the $9M luxury condo purchased for Tom Clark, Minister Guilbeault’s failed audit, the millions in grants and contributions being doled out to multi-billion dollar companies, the government’s shady ties to McKinsey, the ongoing ArriveSCAM scandal, or the Procurement Ombud’s review of the Liberals’ Bait and Switch practices, I am not letting this government get away with anything! The government waste I am seeing turns my stomach – especially at a time when Canadians are lined up at food banks or losing sleep about how they’re going to pay their rent, mortgage or afford their groceries. I’ve heard from many of you here in Calgary Midnapore who are going through hard times and I want you to know I keep up this fight every day with you in mind.  

You will soon receive my latest mailer at your home. In it, I’ve shared the results of my Conservative Priorities Survey, which were very interesting. I thank you all for taking the time to participate in these surveys as they help me make the best decisions possible for our riding. Please consider sharing your thoughts on my latest survey question: Do you support Conservative efforts to trigger a carbon tax election before October 2025?

Despite the many issues we face, we have much to be thankful for here in Canada. This Thanksgiving, I will certainly be counting my blessings and giving thanks. I hope you will have the opportunity to enjoy a festive meal with your family, friends, or neighbours.

Lastly, I would like to congratulate Park96 on its 50th birthday this month! Park96 has created lasting memories for Parkland residents since 1974 and I am sure it will continue to do so for many years to come. Also, I would like to thank all of the Community Association volunteers across the riding who are giving of their time – whether it’s at a Community Clean Up (like the one I dropped by in Deer Run), a Jellybean dance, or a Craft Sale, your work does not go unnoticed by me! I appreciate your efforts and I know your neighbours do, too.

All my very best,


Latest News:

Summer Survey Results:

Keep an eye on your mailbox at home for Stephanie’s latest mailer, where you can read more about each of these priorities.

This Month’s Survey Question:

Do you support Conservative efforts to trigger a carbon tax election before October 2025?

Let Stephanie know here.

Featured Photo:

Canadian pride — seen in Willow Park

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