Canada Healthy Communities Initiative: apply today!

Community associations and organizations in Calgary Midnapore may want to consider applying for federal funding through the Canada Healthy Communities Initiative. Funding is eligible for projects costing between $5,000 and $250,000 that fall under three main themes: creating safe and vibrant public spaces, improving mobility options, and digital solutions. These could include community gardens, pop-up cycling and walking paths, cross country ski trails, widening sidewalks and adding signage to support physical distancing, expanding farmers’ markets to increase access to healthy, local food, or developing apps or other digital tools to allow residents to safely access services remotely.

Local governments and a variety of community-led organizations are eligible to apply, including charities, Indigenous communities, and registered non-profit organizations. Organizations interested in submitting an application are encouraged to visit to learn more about the program, eligibility criteria and how to apply. As the deadline for the first round of funding is approaching quickly (March 9th), Stephanie encourages associations to consider applying as soon as possible.